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Nerf Hall  (PM-NH1)
RR: unf
  There is still a lot of work for SLAM to do here, but this already looks very impressive.  The title was previously used for an unreleased, unfinished map by Black Ninja (see below), but this new map is definitely worth checking out!
  You will need the texture file SLAM_Natural.utx to play this map - download it here if you've not got it already, I understand it was used in the unfinished CD-Base 2 map...
  Most of the map looks very nice, though some doors open to reveal a blackboard with the message "Coming Later" on it!  The house and grounds are beautifully designed; at the moment, only four bedrooms on the top floor are "occupied", with pictures on the walls of, I think, Curt, SLAM himself, and two others.  The photo of me I sent has not been used - perhaps wisely!  The only one I could find in time had me at about 18 months, I think...
  A lot of work has gone into this map - but the incredible detail in some parts does rather show how much more there is to do elsewhere.  What we have got is fine, certainly - but it leaves me wanting to see more!
Nerf Hall
RR: n/a
Black Ninja was thinking of remixing the
Unreal Tournament Trophy Room
as a place for KnC to use as a clubhouse, but with too low a ceiling, and some floors that you actually tend to fall through, it did not work out.  Still, it looks pretty good!  Not that you are likely to see it on a server list, but it seemed to appear as "End of Ladder"...
Nerf Hall  (PM-NH1)
RR: unf
  There is still a lot of work for SLAM to do here, but this already looks very impressive.  The title was previously used for an unreleased, unfinished map by Black Ninja (see below), but this new map is definitely worth checking out!
  You will need the texture file SLAM_Natural.utx to play this map - download it here if you've not got it already, I understand it was used in the unfinished CD-Base 2 map...
  Most of the map looks very nice, though some doors open to reveal a blackboard with the message "Coming Later" on it!  The house and grounds are beautifully designed; at the moment, only four bedrooms on the top floor are "occupied", with pictures on the walls of, I think, Curt, SLAM himself, and two others.  The photo of me I sent has not been used - perhaps wisely!  The only one I could find in time had me at about 18 months, I think...
  A lot of work has gone into this map - but the incredible detail in some parts does rather show how much more there is to do elsewhere.  What we have got is fine, certainly - but it leaves me wanting to see more!
you will need this texture file!