Noxion 16 Remix
RR: 8.5
This is a new "Target Tag" remix by SLAM, assisted by Sharpknux, or an Unreal Tournament "Capture the Flag" map - one from the UT disc, not one of the more recent maps one can find online.  As you can see, it looks pretty fine, and the end-to-end play possibilities look good...this screenshot shows the bit in the middle where travel can get a little bit hairy, if there are any snipers about!  It looks like a long drop if you stumble...
          I checked this out with SLAM, before he had actually linked up the triggers for Target Tag, and it seems a good addition to the range of these teamplay-designed maps.  So get yourself a team pointblast server and some other players, and get ready to rumble - though of course it would be perfectly possible to ignore the "TT" aspects and just have a good deathmatch-style game.
