Cannon Example
RR: n/a
Icedude made this rather simple map to demonstrate his brand-new invention, the NAB Cannon. "Yesterday I spent until midnight working on this new weapon," he told me.  "It is built into maps, and cannot be picked up because it is actually part of the map!  It fires any projectile, but you may need to read the ReadMe to find out how it works."  You fire almost any weapon straight down the vertical tube you can see in the background, and the "cannon ball" comes out of the slanting tube, heading off down the map, hopefully to hit one of the targets!
          I guess I should reprint the ReadMe now:
The Cannon
Design By Icedude
The cannon is a weapon built into maps that uses projectiles fired by you and
turns them into cannonballs.
Use the cannon in PM-CannonExample as a guide.  Must be set up like this for use (change
x or y axis on the kicker if necessary, but value must be 5120 or -5120)
Listed below is the kind of missile used in the cannon:
Secret Shot II: Primary
Ballzooka: Primary, Secondary
Wildfire: Primary
Nerf Cannon: Primary, Secondary
Pulsator: Primary
Triplestrike: Primary, Secondary
Sidewinder: Primary
Whomper: Primary
To Fire: Stand on top of loading barrel (upright) and fire downwards, projectile should come
out of firing barrel (45 degrees).  (Primary whomper curves downward after leaving barrel!)

Learn to use it and it can be your best weapon, misuse it, and it can result in your own
death (in the game that is)
Designed by Icedude
ReadMe by Icedude
Coded by Icedude
Tested by Icedude
Eat at Joe's (How'd that get in there?)
Distributed by Icedude
Zipped by Icedude
Special Thanks
All the rest of you guys who play NAB online
Me :D
My parents
No thanks
My sister
My enemies
The people who Diss NAB

          So, there you have it; I'm glad he put that "(in the game that is)" in, he had me worried for a moment!  Since this map was just made as a quick demonstration of the Cannon, it can't really be rated, but it is an interesting thing to check out.  Other mapmakers can presumably open up this map to see how the Cannon works...

seek out "" and download it!
